Reach Community Shield

Puya dragged me into this charity futsal tournament benifiting the Good Shepherd orphanages yesterday. Was a pretty interesting tournament for me because I've not played regularly in the past 2 years. I think I've only clocked in 3 or 4 futsal sessions in the last one year, so I was extremely low on both match fitness and consistency.

My game as a whole was just bad because my movements were sluggish until our 3rd match, game awareness was just non existent and my touch was just horrendous. To top the disadvantage I brought into my team, we could only muster 6 players as opposed to the 7 that everyone else had because... well we just didn't have enough players!

Like I mentioned before, I played a very "Yes, we're all here to lose for charity," attitude before I got kicked twice, once on my lower back and once on my butt before the old fire flared up and I began regaining my old game and passion back. The wonders of getting pissed off by dirty playing opposition teams. I got launched into this "No way am I letting these idiots win!" mode and was closing down oppositions players like Adam Sandler did to non H2O fans in The Waterboy. Hurt the idiot who kicked me as well, but hey, the Fairplay Gloves come off when I'm getting roughed up, for a charity game, no less!

I gave my team a good defensive options after that incident, but was a disadvantage when we attacked. Obviously I didn't get all of my old game back, but I think I did fairly well for someone who has played an average of one game every 3 months.

Anyways, surprise surprise, we topped our group thanks to a bizzare own goal by the group favourites that gave us a 2-2 draw. That was the game I got kicked. We even won through our quarter and semi final games but were beaten on our final match by Blue Ice, a team that managed to scrape into the quarter finals after finishing 3rd during the group matches. Kudos to Blue Ice as they had lost their goal keeper in either the first or second match (can't remember) because of a badly swollen hand.

No pictures at this point because I didn't bring my camera with me.

Digressing a little, for some reason everytime I enter either a football or futsal tournament with Puya, it's always after I've had a long lay off, and always happen to end up in what would be called the Group of Death. Every single time for the past 4 years we'd end up as the underdogs, with everyone expecting us to finish either last or second from bottom. Each time we'd either win the tournament or come in second. 4 Golds and 3 Silvers together, if I remember correctly.

Oh, and Puya would lose his temper at least one game per tournament! Hahaha the good thing is that he's learnt to stay calm a lot since I first met him, where turning a losing game into a winner was secondary and hurting somebody was on top of his priorities. If only we had Christopher Conrad with us that day. I won all four of my Gold Medals in HELP with both Puya and Chris.

Playing this tournament was really good for me on a psychological side. Puya once mentioned that he's never seen me so broken in spirit as I have been lately after working in Next. This game actually got my spirits fired up again, so it felt like a broken person reluctantly walking into a game and a renewed man walking out of it. Cheers mate!

2 rambling visitors:


6:55 PM, September 07, 2005

lol. that's how i got to know the person named puya. first time i ever saw him, he was roaring murder in the futsal barn because he missed a goal or something, i dunno. i was thinking in my head, "that guy surely needs to learn a lot on anger management!" lol. but when it was us girls who played, he was the most tender gentleman (he was the referee). even carried one of us out of the barn she was hurt. haha. ripley's believe it or not


12:46 AM, September 09, 2005

Hahaha Puya's a great fella, but when I first met him I thought he was one of the loudest and rudest people I knew. Come to think of it, pretty much still is!

Lol but back to my first sentence, Puya's a great friend to have :P