Of soothing my musical soul

I immensely enjoyed myself performing with long time compadre and music partner Zalila at La Gourmet House situated at The Curve last Sunday. I got a call from Peter, an old Taylor's College classmate of mine sometime last weekend informing me that he had this friend who was launching his cafe and needed 'something' to spice up the atmosphere and asked if I would be interested to perform there. The events that followed suit are quite straight forward and before you know it, Zal and I were slotted for four sets through out the day.

I was about to list down the songs we did, but realized how much more typing it would involve, so I'll just leave them out and pop in a picture of us playing those songs instead :)

Thanks to Davina for the pictures!

It was great fun performing again after such a long time. Thanks to my friends who showed up for the performance (in order of who came first, so no one gets jealous who's named first!): Yin Ee, Gerard and family, Ee Von and family, Davina and family (starting to sound like a Chinese New Year guest list now...), Peter Toh, Wei Yein, Patricia and Alvin. Oh and Ee Von brought her friend Anrie along too. Also cheers to Leonard Khoo who was our soundman for the day. He actually tweaked our sound down to even individual strings on the guitars just to get a great sound going. Thanks dude!
And oh yeah, cheers to Anthony who invited us to play at La Gourmet House's launch on Sunday.

I'm often reminded of this friend of mine, Debbie Tang whenever I perform. I think she's the only person I can think of who not only likes the way I sing, but actually brings up a time when I sang for her many years ago during random conversations. :) I sang for her, now I'm wondering when she's gonna dance for me? ;)
* * * * *
Interesting Stuff:
1. Cyborg Name Generator: What's your cyborg name?

I came out as "J.E.R.R.A.L.: Journeying Electronic Repair and Rational Assassination Lifeform"
I also checked out some of my other friends' names and here's what I got:

i. Z.A.L.I.L.A.: Zeta Artificial Lifeform Intended for Logical Assassination
ii. P.U.Y.A.: Peacekeeping and Ultimate Yelling Android (LOL)
iii. V.I.J.I.T.H.A.: Versatile Intelligent Juggernaut Intended for Troubleshooting and Hazardous Assassination

2. Are You Dumb? Click here to found out!

3. Origami Boulders aka wadded paper. With optional Haiku poems! I found his comments page so darn funny. The combination of his wit and general knowledge is kinda short of amazing. Check it out here.

4. Transformers Joins the B-Boy craze! Soundwave and Rumble shows it all off! Click here to watch them.

14 rambling visitors:


11:28 AM, September 28, 2005

Hey, I like the way you sing too. Sigh... I'm forgotten already.


7:06 PM, September 28, 2005

Lol coolness I've got a fan! Statement could come from Ee Von or Cass, but since it's logged at 11.48am, I'm guessing it's Ee Von ;) Or I could be totally wrong and it could have been Ayu or Intan instead. Hmmm.....

ANYWAYS, the reminder of Debbie was because she actually retells moments of my singing during random conversations. Sometimes I don't even remember these moments :)


7:40 PM, September 28, 2005

Nope not Eevon =) to be honest though...that's the first time I've seen you perform. The other times when you played as part of a band don't count.


1:21 AM, September 29, 2005

Hahaha whoops... kinda curious who that first person is then :P You should have been there during the night session, much more fun coz there wasn't much of a crowd anymore and Zal and I were just pure having fun up there doing whatever comes to mind :P


4:42 AM, October 01, 2005

Skin to skin
Cheek to cheek
the summer's gone
what might have been

Hurry now
before sunrise
The curtains close
I take my bow


10:03 AM, October 01, 2005

can i cry?? i read the title n den looked at the picture and i felt like crying!!! god i miss you guys performing! and also i miss being a useless singer around you guys... God!
I just got your comment from my oh-so-not-progressing-post because i havent checked it in a long time. and when i read your commment i was like HHUH!!?! hehhehe.... what did they say? I'm curious... kekekke...
miss yah Yellel!!


9:10 PM, October 02, 2005

Alah... Sape suruh engkau pergi jauh-jauh ni? :P Come back soon we'll all have a good time jamming, and you were a pretty good singer what... Cepat balik ya? :D

A Fan:



2:34 AM, October 05, 2005

*blushing* ehehe


12:15 AM, October 06, 2005

Alah kenyit ni bukan nak blush blush shy shy... this one blush blush perform nye.... :P


1:00 AM, October 08, 2005

hey! i want credit too! why only debbie??? i fell in love with dave matthews because of u, u know!

*sits at the corner and sulks*


1:03 AM, October 08, 2005

btw, puya's cyborg name is so ironic lah...hee hee hee...

vijitha: versatile intelligence? more like VILE intelligence...


1:54 AM, October 08, 2005

Because Debbie's single, babe ;) Hahaha yes, Ayu was one of my earlier converts to Dave Matthewsism! AND she loves my rendition of Jamiroquai's "Black Crow".

AYUNAMI: Artificial Ytterbium Unit Normally for Assassination and Masterful Infiltration! Fulamak!

(Ytterbium is a rare element. Can't remember what it's used for... xrays, i think? Someone look it up and tell me :P)


7:20 PM, October 09, 2005

apa kena-mengena with being single?! jeez. haha

ytterbium is a metal apparently. i sound so cool.


1:11 AM, October 11, 2005

Alah, tak kan nak asyik teringatkan pompuan yg dah ada boyfren kan? Nanti ku kena powerslam dari atom pulak! :P

Yes, ytterbium's a rare element, I think it's used to contain xrays so that it's err... radiation(?) doesn't seep out. Well, radiation or whatever it is that's dangerous from xrays.