Of random events being blogged together


Haiku is a a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of only three lines. They do not rhyme, but have a strict structure (tongue twister ain't that?) where the first line has to contain 5 syllables, the second 7 syllables and the third 5 syllables again.

I used to play a lot of PS2 games based on Japan and often saw these weird forms of poetry. Sometimes they made little sense to me, sometimes they made no sense at all. Sometimes the third line makes the entire poem profound and meaningful.
Here's my first attempt at it:

Stirring my coffee.
Looking at the morning sun.
You're not here, goodbye.

Oh well, ain't so great after all. Thank God I'm not a poet.

OK. Wednesday 28th September 2005 saw Viji Puya, Zal and myself having lunch at Pizza Uno in Centerpoint after yet another wasted morning in the office. I was having a bad bout of diarrhea and was battling with myself whether I should be eating all these creamy, olive oily Italian food. It was a mental contest between Jerral the Hog and Jerral the Wise and Conscientious One.

The food on our table!

Needless to say there was no contest and I pigged out. Thankfully the stomach did not object to the type or amount of food I put in that day (Seafood Bisque, Spaghetti ala Vongole and Ice Blended Mocha).

Puya promotes the virtues of Tabasco Sauce during lunch

Fast forward to Thursday 29th September 2005, 7.20pm. Location: Megamall, heading towards ICOM on Jalan Pahang. Zal was in ICOM for a performance and had asked us to come around 7.30 tp get good seats. I was hoping to perform in this gig as well but i) I couldn't make any of the practices and ii) I wasn't an ICOM student nor was I in the alumni.

Anyways, Puya and I picked Wei Yein up in my car from Megamall around 7.20 and we headed off towards KL. To cut the story short, I missed a turning and next thing you know I was on Jalan Raja Chulan, having made quite a long scenic route to my destination. We hit Jalan Tun Razak and ran smack into the infamous traffic jam there. We hit Jalan Raja Chulan around 7.45 and by the time we got to the Jalan Pahang roundabout it was already 8.15.

Anyways we managed to drive, park and get into ICOM in time to catch the second song of the performance! So what made this gig so special that we wanted to go so badly(Besides Zal being a great friend of mine)? Zal was playing for Zainal Abidin! Puya was enjoying himself so much he was clapping and singing along to the songs when Zainal went up.

Zal's at the center. Her face is just barely visible, between Zainal and Elliot, the Timbales dude for the night

Because of all the rush, neither of us had the time to grab some food for dinner and Wei Yein suggested that we adjourn to Jalan Ipoh for some Dim Sum. Yum! There was food, more food, and then there was Puya telling us stories about the Mahabharata and the Mnokey King.

Wei Yein: "And that's why Santa Claus is only this small!"
Puya: "No way! I mean.. really?!"

Puya, all ready to knock out disbelievers of his stories with a Bruce Lee punch

Wei Yein: "I wonder if I should believe what Puya's telling us."
Zal: "I shall curi her chicken while she thinks!"

* * * * * *

Currently Reading:
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
ISBN: 006051518X

*MPH was on sale. Got it for RM50 ;)

4 rambling visitors:


2:41 AM, October 05, 2005

Wow.. zal played fo zainal abidin!?! gila lah! and pizza uno in centre point? ahhh carbonara sedap!! grrr....
did viji cut his hair???


12:19 AM, October 06, 2005

Yeah, Zal played for THE Zainal! :D He was really nice and friendly too. Great singer with such a strong commanding presence on stage.

And yes, Viji cut his hair. You'll get to see it when he's in Australia ;)

  Ana D.

4:26 PM, October 11, 2005

The last line of your poem was a bit abrupt. First two lines were okay, though.


9:25 PM, October 11, 2005

Yup. That's Haiku for you :)