... of Sleepless nights and stress filled frights

Far Away by Tobias Zeising
found on Deviant Art.

Sunday night. Finished work around 1.30am, went to bed around 2.15am. And for the life of me, I just could not fall asleep! Many were the times I was in that limbo-esque state betwixt conciousness and the realm of the dream king. In this state, much like in the state of dreaming, our senses are easily confused and memories and imaginations can occur with an amazingly high degree of realism.

Many were the times I was close to successfully dozing off when suddenly I either heard my clients saying something (4 different times), or remember something that's really pressing, jumped up and realized it was done and over with long ago (twice), and there was even a point I thought I was covered in bugs (once, but wtf...) and jumped out of bed brushing off my limbs before realizing that my bed wasn't infested with bugs after all.

By the time I was internally calmed enough to try to sleep again, it was about 7 am and the sun was coming up.

I thought "What the heck... if I go to sleep now I'll never wake up in time for work!" So now one can guess at the amount of caffeine I'm consuming to keep my engines running. Coffee... one of God's gift to homo sapiens, alongside with Sex and Chocolates. And Playstation 2 as well while I'm at it .

I've never been so badly affected by work stress before, and if I were to hear the same story from someone else I would think that person was exaggerating. Sigh... someone come take me on a vacation!

Here's a picture that aptly describes my mental state of health. A picture paints a thousand words eh?

1 rambling visitors:


4:53 PM, August 22, 2005

i get those nights sometimes. last time i didn't sleep til 7am was when i had dengue fever :P yes coffee is god's gift to corporate slaves... i get it slipped underneath my door in a small brown envelope whenever i can afford it.