... Farewells and Reunions ...

"Where Rain Grows" by David Preissel
Taken from the Deviant Art website

I've just had a 9th year reunion of sorts with a group of my old school mates. A funny sort of 'reunion' because it was primarily a farewell for one of my friends who will be migrating to Australia. AND the birthday of another friend. I find it both funny and annoying that almost all the guys have been putting on weight, barring a couple of people while all the girls look as fresh and young as they did 9 years ago!

It was an interesting meeting for me. I've always thought that it's the people you meet after college who matter and would remain significant in our lives. It was only when I saw these people again (most of them barely changed since the last time I saw them 9 years ago!) that I realized deep inside I really missed seeing each and everyone of them. Even to those I don't speak to as much, being around them put me back into this comfort zone that I've totally forgotten.

Word up to (in no preferential order here... going alphabetically!) Alfzall, Alvin, Daniel, Eevonne, Ernest, Hon Yik, Joy Yee, Keng Yung, Michelle, Melissa, Peng Guan, Pink Kee, Shen Lene, Sue Ann, Robert & Wai Peun. Was great seeing y'all.

I'll try to post some pictures here if anyone remembers to send me what they've taken :/

* * * * * *

Someone else I didn't like has just passed away. He was my old discipline teacher who had a mouth that would easily go up against any old english sailor. For some reason he hated me as a student and I hated him period. Anyway, his demise was brought to our attention during the farewell-reunion we had. It was nice to see everyone giving a moment of silence to reflect on his departure, but there was none of the "You know what... he was actually a nice guy..." eulogies because that would have gotten me on that person's back and spoiled the ambience for the rest of the evening. None of my friends liked him when he was alive, I'm glad none of them opted for the hypocritical route and praised him post humously.

Song of the Day: Vanessa Mae - Sabre Dance

Book Recommendation : "Ender's Game" and "Speaker for the Dead" by Orson Scott Card
ISBN: 0812550706
Available at MPH Malaysia for about RM30.00
Check out a Review of Ender's Game.

Can't believe I'm sick today. What a waste of a day!

2 rambling visitors:


1:25 PM, July 07, 2005

feeling like you're getting old are we? *grin*


11:50 PM, July 07, 2005

I AM old, youngling :P