...Of Spooks and Spirits

Do you believe in the supernatural? That perhaps there exists on a paralel plane to ours a diverse system? I generally tend to be a skeptic and a cynic with many issues, but thinking about it, there are spectrums of light that we cannot see no matter how strong, sounds that we cannot hear no matter how loud. We know this because we have created machines that can perceive these silent sounds and illuminous lights, but we have all have five senses. What if there are other things that we cannot see, hear, smell, feel or taste but are all around us? Imagine that they can't normally see us too and get as frightened as we do when we see each other.

I myself have had many non malignant encounters. The most recent one was while I was in Kangar for work. Was trying to sleep in Hotel Federal there one night when suddenly I felt someone or something blow a hot breath against my left cheek. I opened my eyes and saw nothing except Viji snoring away on another bed about 10 feet from me and thought it was just my imagination. I laid back down on the bed and before I even closed my eyes, there was another breath blown against my left cheek again. I shot upwards, looking bewilderedly around and seeing only Viji, still happily snoring away too far for him to have done that and jumped back into his bed. Ended up giving salutations to the unseen visitor, introduced myself and explained that I was just bunking there for the night, switched on some lights, and hid under the covers until I was asleep.

One of my earliest encounters that I could remember was when I was 6 years old still living in Damansara Heights (back then when you could still see hills all around you). I was having dinner with my family when I saw a man in a brown shirt walking up the stairs off the corner of my eyes. I looked up and saw nothing and continued eating (being the pig I am). A moment later I saw that same man walking down the said stairs, still in his brown shirt and pausing in the middle where our telephone was. I looked up again and saw nothing, but as soon as I looked at my plate of rice, he was there again off teh corner of my eyes, looking around the house very nonchalantly. I just kept staring at my rice so that I could 'see' what he was doing when my dad asked me "Is anything wrong with your rice?"

I told him that there was a man in a brown shirt near the telephone on the stairs and he jumped and spun around, thinking there was a burglar in the house, but saw nothing. Questions ensued, like "Why did you make that up?" which I countered that I was not and that the guy was still there. "What's he doing?" and I answered that he was just standing there looking around. "Why are you staring at your food?" to which I replied that it was because I can't see him otherwise. when my dad asked me to point at where this 'person' was standing, I looked up and pointed at the telephone but he wasn't there anymore. Nor was he there after that when I tried staring at my rice again.

MY dad took me to see a medium in some temple to ask her about it and the moment I sat down, without saying anything yet, she says to me that I saw someone in the house, and that we need not worry about it as that was just a being who happened to reside at the hill where my old house was, and that he was just curious about the new family who had just moved in. Weird stuff.

I think the funniest I can remember was when I was living in Desa Kiara Condominiums about 6 or 7 years back. There was a spate of minor accidents happening within the apartment. My brother would open a Milo tin and I heard a loud "BOOF!" sound from the kitchen. I ran in and saw his surprised face covered in Milo powder. Funny thing was there was almost no Milo spilt anywhere else. The same day my brother was holding on to a mug, watching TV, and I saw the mug just break off from the handle and crashed onto the floor with my brother bewilderedly telling me "I didn't do it!!"

Don't remember the specifics of the other incidents that day, but I remember our Astro decoder going crazy, the iron grille gate dropping off its railing at the balcony and computer switching off AND on again by itself (it was an old pentium 166. You press the power button, it switches on. You press the power button again, it switches off. No other way.)

Anyway my parents visited the abovementioned medium again and asked why are things going weirdly within our apartment. Her response was this: You have a spirit that resides within your home. It has been frightened by a ferocious face with a big moustache. Go home, hang a red cloth at your door and get to know who this new face is.

So we went home. Red cloth was hung up on the entrance doorway. Now came the problem of looking for a guy with a big moustache. Desa Kiara has about 800 - 900 apartment units, let alone people. As we were leaving my apartment for some reason, we found out that there were 2 Korean men who had just moved into the apartment across from mine a couple of days ago. One of them looked like he's in a bad mood and has a small, bushy haywired moustache. Could be coincidence, but we said hi and all that and voila! No more whammies at home.

Anyone has any stories to share?

Song of the Day 1: Lisa Loeb - Dance with the Angels
Song of the Day 2: Nobuo Uematsu - FFVII - Aerith's Theme

Book Recommendation: The Twice Born by Dr. Uma Mahendran
ISBN: 9839942603
Read the REVIEW if you're interested.

3 rambling visitors:


11:08 PM, June 30, 2005

thanks, jerral. it's 3 a.m. now and i am alone in this 5 bedrooms flat because all my flatmates have left for good since last week. now i'm scared. i hate you.

by the way, i think it was viji's breath la. ahaha...10 metres or further, the feller sure can hembus u damn kow kow one...haha...tgk perut larr...


6:58 PM, July 01, 2005

lol... but my stories aren't even scary! Besides, you're in a country that's more associative with headless horsemen, tortured and hung criminals and rapists, things that come and strangle you when the lights are off and you're hiding under your covers and... oh yeah. Forgot you get scared easy. Don't think too much about getting strangled in your sleep k? You definitely won't be able to sleep then :P


12:47 PM, July 08, 2005

that's really interesting! thanks for sharing. i haven't had any personal experiences but i've always been curious.