... of glimpses at the future...

Let's take a glimpse into the future. Fictional future, of course. Much more entertaining and less worrisome than what we have coming, in my opinion.

First up, the opening credits and theme song for the 1997 - 1998 anime set in the not-so-distant Year 2071, Cowboy Bebop. I swear I'm such a Youtube junkie these days.

This particular opening scene is a little extended, as the story approaches the 'Julia' story arc.

Aight! Next up I have some scenes from Avalon which I wrote about many postings ago ;) The movie sets the timeline as a "distant future."



And of course, who hasn't heard of The Matrix? I found a video showing the areas where The Matrix was influenced by Ghost In The Shell, so enjoy!


Ok, enough videos. Time for a little flashback. I managed to find, of all things, an image of the very first computer I ever used! Ok, maybe it's not the actual PC I used, but it's the same model.

Back in 1985, I had this great computer, it was an IBM 8086 PC. It ran solely on DOS and came equipped with a CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) Monitor capable of displaying up to three colors (Red, Green & Blue), 256kb RAM and two 5" floppy disk drive. That's right folks, no hard disk attached! It ran at an amazing 2.5MHz. And if you press Control+Alt+Minus, it powers into turbo mode and flies at 3 MHz!

Anyways, I had tons of fun playing classic games on this PC. I think I'll do a post on those games some time soon.

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