... of Starting Afresh OR "I Put On My Wizard Hat"

This is annoying. I neglected to feed lines into my old blog (yes.. yes... since Dec '04) and now it's locked away from me. It's still accessible at jerral.blogspot.com and I'm still using the same account to say this here and now.

So, right. I'm here again, new address, same person, probably still the same lack of time to think / blog as consistently as I'd like to. Think way too much at work and leaves me drained.

I once heard a saying... you work with your hands, it leaves you too much time for your mind to think with. I work with my mind... does that leaves me too much time to do nefrious deeds with my hands? :P

I found a website that made me laugh so friggin' hard. It's mean, but if you're willing to laugh at someone else's expense, check it out. You'll understand why this entry's alternatively titled "I put on my wizard hat" :) Bloodninja .

Also, came across a guitar phenomenon. Well maybe I've just been out of it so long I'm no longer keeping up with the music world. Check out Kaki King. Amazing work on the acoutic guitars.


Song for the day : La Mer by Nine Inch Nails (The Fragile)

3 rambling visitors:


6:08 AM, June 27, 2005

hey!! me found you!! i link you , u link me?? hehe.... dun bully me! grrr....


3:42 PM, June 28, 2005

i kinda enjoy it when death is described as the ultimate adventure. I define adventure to mean journey to the unexpected and unknown, therefore be prepared for the unexpected. bUT HERE's the bitch, what if its nothing, no events, no enlightenment, just plain old nothingness.
Ok, i'm going to digress so lets just stop.

But J what if life is found out to be the greatest and most wonderful thing created. And death was known to be nothing but emptiness. Woujld you not cling to life as the ultimate adventure,coz that is where and when the ultimate adventure begins. The one certainty in life we have is death. That is it. We cannot fathom what will happen to us. But of course if this perspective is taken, it will mean the end of these preachers who constantly ask you to find emptiness.

The main problem with all this is that non of us know what is death or where it leads too.

Some ppl hang on to life with the thinnest of threads, for they are still waiting for one last adventure.


10:32 PM, June 28, 2005

Yep, none of us know what death brings, but still, death makes life worth living init? :)

I've thought about what you've said before, about just disappearing and being nothing (which is fine coz I won't be around to feel bored) or just finding that you're alone in some endless open space (which IS a bitch) but I guess there's only one way to find out eh? Race you to the end, mate ;)