Cleo Bachelor 2009 Contestant Number 35: Eugene Tham.
That's my friend. I mean a real good friend of mine - the one I went camping with, indulged in bak kut teh between college classes with, got hammered in Langkawi with. Someone I would give up my life limb right hand left pinky for. That means a lot okay? I play the guitar, and my left pinky is extremely essential, especially when playing those chords I never could name.
We humiliated ourselves 2001 at some attitude search and raised all sorts of hell in our college halls corridors. Sadly for both of us, work got in the way of friendship and though we still think the world of each other, there's just never enough time to really meet up and catch up.
So imagine my surprise when one day about a week ago I was droning over my laptop and suddenly I see a Cleo advertisement with Eugene's face popping out at me. Needless to say, I promptly told my friends about it, despite Eugene's short but succinct request to "SSSHHHH!!!!".
I eventually told Fiona, Eugene's college sweetheart, who instinctively blogged about it. Not only did she write about it, she also cited me as her source, saying that if she's going down for this, I'm going down along with her. And since I'm going down, I might as well go all out and start plugging for my Bak-Kut-Teh-Eating, Beer-Popping, Hell-Raising, Lecturer-Kicking, Clothes-Iron-Obsessed, Overall-Nice-Guy buddy Eugene Tham.
Here's what you do:
1. Follow this link to look for him: AskCleo. Once you're on that site, just click the right arrow until you reach Bachelor 35.
2. Post nice comments, much like this one:

Click on the picture to view comment sample. Alternatively, you can right click, and select "Open Link in New Tab".
3. Also remember to help him out by voting for Eugene online (follow this link).

That's all it takes, three simple steps :)
Now, what good is a Cleo Bachelor if he doesn't have his own theme song? Lucky for us, I happen to know of one that just fits right up his alley.
No, not THAT alley.
Song of the moment: Pink Martini - 'Eugene'
Catch it on YouTube here.
Or try streaming it here:
2 rambling visitors:
2:47 PM, April 06, 2009
Hahahhaha!! Tooooo funny!
I love the song! Very appropriate for our Eugene...
It should be his theme song.
11:42 PM, April 18, 2009
Poor Gene...I'm bringing my camera this Friday too!! hehe
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