... of words and starvation ...

Play a game and Feed Someone

My friend Wei Yein brought this website to my attention. FreeRice dot com is a website where several companies have pledged to donate rice in return for media space and exposure. I guess that's not exactly how they'd like to be marketed as, but another friend of mine, Zal, says I'm among the most black and white person she knows, so here we have it. Basically, you play this vocabulary game and 10 grains of rice is donated to the cause for each correct answer. I hear you say "that's not really much!" but it should amount to something if all of us actually took part. Besides, when was the last time you fed a starving stranger?

2 rambling visitors:

  Fiona-Jane Gomez

1:19 AM, November 19, 2007

This is brilliant. I just donated 200 grains of rice. Whooopeee!

Gonna post it on my blog too.

Thanks Jay!


3:54 AM, November 19, 2007

Keep it up, keep it up ;)