... Of Waking Up Tired & Looking at Glamorous Days

It's gonna be a shitty day. I've got a gig with Zal tonight at No Black Tie. I've got some sort of audition for a gig I'm hoping to do right before that. I meant to practice with Zal last night but was just too tired to stay up for it and on top of that, I had very restless sleep last night, rolling around and waking up too many times. Now I'm at work after waking up tired and wondering whether I can fully wake up before the audition and the gig.

Yup. It's gonna be a bad day :/

So let's cheer me up by writing a movie recommendation! Wee!

Movie Recommendations : NANA - 113 mins

Komatsu Nana travels to Tokyo to be with her boyfriend who's studying art. Chance finds her seated on the train next to Oosaki Nana, vocalist of a newly disbanded rock band, Black Stones. Although they are characteristically polar opposites, the ice was broken when Oosaki discovers that they both share the same name.

Parting ways at Tokyo station, they cross paths again later on when hunting for apartments to rent. After a small debate on who gets to rent the apartment they both want, they decide to move in together despite their differences. Cool, aloof and introspective Nana and ditzy, cheerful and outgoing Nana soon bonded and became close friends.

The Black Stones reunite with Oosaki after recruiting a new bassist and Komatsu wins a pair of tickets to watch Trapnest, the hottest new band in Japan. Komatsu invites Oosaki to watch the caoncert with her, not knowing that Ren, the Black Stones' former bassist and Oosaki's former love had left the band and Oosaki to further his career with Trapnest.

This movie shows that the course of true love is never always straight and smooth. How do the clashing personalities of the two unlikely friends help each other overcome their own shortcomings? Watch the movie to find out.

Overall Verdict : This is a movie built on a good realistic storyline with decent-good cinematography and kickass music. What I liked a lot about this movie is that it primarily tells a story about people ; their lives, their emotions, their struggles and their dreams. The amount of realism and daily struggle put into it relates to our daily lives. I feel that the only setback to this movie is that it's too short at 113 minutes runtime.

Jerral gives 4 1/2 stars out of 5!

Music Recommendation : Check out the song 'Glamorous Days' (also titled 'Glamorous Sky') written by Hyde Romaji of L'arc en Ciel and Ai Yawaza, performed by Mika Nakashima (Oosaki Nana). It's featured in NANA as a Black Stones song. Interestingly I first heard it on Traxx fm a few months ago, way before I came across the movie.

4 rambling visitors:


6:21 PM, June 07, 2006

i heard abt the gig tonite... wish i could be there.... =)
Hope it went well.. the audition and the gig... tell zal i miss her SO much!!
Kiss kiss...


10:45 AM, June 08, 2006

That's why... mintak you all balik tak mau! Kekekkee YOU STILL OWE ME A PERFORMANCE! Lagu Jepun dah bertahun tahun kita berkomplot tapi tak jadi. And why? BECAUSE YOU FLED THE COUNTRY! hahahah we come back, we're doing a performance. No arguments from you!



9:26 AM, May 12, 2007

Looks like an interesting movie. How Where do i get it? =P


3:53 AM, May 16, 2007

Yo wassup Izzy! Nana can be found in most CD / Video stores that carry Japanese titles. The sequel was released Dec 2006 but I've not seen it in circulation in Malaysia as of yet :)