... Of Musical Methods & Pictoral Efforts

Posting up pictures of gigs in March. Hoping to appease complainants (complaints pertaining to mismanagement of blog content - also known as "no updates") Yin Ee and my only loyal secret fan now that I'm plugging in multiple entries within multiple entries ;)

Two Pics Above : International Women's Day @ La Bodega.

This is where we played!

Foresty pics above: Kampung Fest in Ulu Langat, 26 March 2006

Early Dinner After Kampung Fest! Yum!

Pics above: Zal and Myself - Actors Studio 27 March 2006

Rhapsody - Nicole & Ywenna - 27 March 2006

Kevin Brokenscar with Alda in the shadowed foreground - 27 March 2006

Melina William - 27 March 2006
I wanna be just like her when I grow up! No wait.. I'm older than her. Damnit.

3 rambling visitors:


1:25 PM, May 15, 2006

he's allliiiivvveeee!!! took you long 'nuff...now i can slowly scroll & savour :)



4:12 PM, June 04, 2006

Lovely pictures!!! Tak suka nyaaaa... I wanna be there to see these great performers too!! eeeeeee.... rindu nya.... =)


1:49 PM, June 07, 2006

Yes, I be alive!

Synchro... apa tak suka ni? You want some, you come back lah! :P