... Of Midnight Ramblings - Wasted Funds, Persian 'Chauns, and Gigs for Fun!

Continuing from the previous post, I've mentioned that there were so many things that I wanted to put online, but was just to bogged down with work. Most of you would have heard by now that I've left Permanis. I'm attached somewhere now but I don't think I'd like to announce that just yet. Those of you closer to me would know why, the others... well you've just got to ask me over some teh ais ;)

Right, first thing on my list: I can't find my battery charger for my camera! I loaned it to my mom some time ago and now it's hidden somewhere in the house! No more pictures for me until I find it. Thankfully I took a few before I loaned off the charger.

"What? There's no more Bebop on TV?!"

Now, amongst the many things I wanted to add to this blog were writeups and reviews to a few of my favourite Anime series (how do you pluralize 'series' anyway?), including Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, the Ghost in the Shell movies and series, Captain Harlock, Tokyo Godfathers... I've actually wrote a few paragraphs each for about 12 Anime titles as well as reviews for games (Final Fantasy Franchise, Leisure Suit Larry, Monkey Island, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, etc) and a little tribute to some games that were cancelled.

Anyone who knows me well enough will know I'm just too darn lazy to write it all out again. At least, not now. I'll take my time and pull those writeups together again eventually. Eventually being the key operative word here ;)

Moving on to a different topic...

...Of Wasting Public Funds You Taxed From Me!

Ever taken a look around where you lived and wondered if the money taxed from you to develop that very place were not only put into good use, but efficiently as well? I was in my car, cutting through Section 16 PJ to link up to Jalan Damansara, right after the toll. For the benefit of those who aren't familiar, the road ends in a T junction; you can turn right into a housing area just before the junction, but once you hit the actual junction itself, you can only turn left and follow the flow of the highway. My question is, how many traffic lights would you need?

Four traffic lights facing me. Another 2 lights faces the oncoming traffic from the right.

Voila! They all turn green!

Okay, lame lame... on to the next post!

...Of Persian Leprechauns, Rainbows and That Pot of Gold

You ever heard of this tale where if you successfully follow a rainbow to it's source, you would find a pot of gold buried underneath the ground where the rainbow ends? That pot of gold is supposed to belong to a leprechaun.

Now check this out. I was driving around in Kampung Pandan and saw this:

And I followed it and saw this:
And discovered where it led to:

Puya's House!

Unfortunately I didn't find a pot of gold inside Puya's house, but I did find Puya standing outside his house, smoking a cigarette and looking at the said rainbow. He did not look much like a leprechaun, even under the most imaginative scrutiny. I guess the rainbow theory wasn't true after all, but he did look like he owned the rainbow and was doing a routine inspection.

... Of Gigs, Gigs and More Gigs!

I've gotten some more gigs under my belt over the last week, but since my camera had no battery, there are no pictures for those gigs.

First up was another performance in No Black Tie on Thursday 4th of May, where Zal and I played 2 sets totalling 12 songs for the night. It was really cool because we had Kevin Theseira from Qings and Kueens on the double bass and Melina William of Tempered Mental playing percussions for us. Kevin of Broken Scar came up towards the end of the night for the open mic segment and we had the whole band play along with him. All in all a great night of fun! Many thanks to Evelyn of No Black Tie for the invitation to perform!

Next up was Saturday 6th of May in La Gourmet House, where I played for Zal again. La Gourmet House had a wine tasting evening with French dinner, so along with Rhapsody, Reza and Melina, we were the entertainers for the evening. Thanks goes out to Anthony of La Gourmet for inviting us to play and feeding us too!

Sunday 7th of May saw myself in La Bodega (Jln Tungshin). We did a really great impromptu set for Kevin Brokenscar in No Black Tie 3 nights earlier, and he invited Zal and myself to join him on his set for the Troubagangers gig. Once again, impromptu performance with Kevin (which really rocked!) and later on more impromptu madness and Zal and I played for Nicole of Rhapsody, before covering Time After Time and closing the night with Zal's "Do You Really." What was really cool was that Alang hopped onto the drums and kicked in with us midway through Time After Time. The important thing for that night (besides a good performance) was that everyone had fun and everyone enjoyed the music! Credits go to the Troubagangers for organizing this monthly affair.

Thursday 11th of May, I went down to Laundry Bar at The Curve to was my friends from False Opus give their first performance in over a year. I wasn't expecting to do any open mic since Zal wasn't free, but I bumped into Kevin Brokenscar and instantaneously we just knew we were going to end up on stage! We had no guitars, so we had to go around asking the other musicians for their gear. Got two guitars in the end and belted out Kevin's "Scratch" to an interestingly motleyed crowd. Credits to Reza for organizing the monthly 'Moonshine' gigs, and thanks to the dude who loaned me his guitar ;)

1 rambling visitors:


4:44 AM, May 16, 2006

I forgot to mention, the pictures of the rainbow I took was one continuous COMPLETE rainbow. Just couldn't fit it into one shot. And I found my battery charger in my own room. How shy! *blush*