Of Dave Matthewsism and Duplicity

I'm a big fan of Dave Matthews and his band, better known as the Dave Matthews Band. Oh wow. Creative branding aside, they have collectively created some of the best music I've heard in this lifetime. I hope I'll come across them again in the next, if there happens to be a next lifetime for me.

Anyways Dave Matthews music was introduced to me by an old friend of mine, Boon Yew. I was amazed at the composition and fingerwork for "What would you say?" when I first heard Booners play it. I've pretty much embarked on a mission of sorts to convert people to Dave Matthewsism ever since, preaching to fellow musicians who have the bad luck to have to work with me and to the poor ears who has had to sit down and listen to me out of courtesy.

Of course, being Jerral, I'm not only promoting Dave Matthews all this while, but my own brand of music as well. I'm just using Dave Matthews and whoever else anyone wants to hear as a platform to introduce music as per how I think they should be (I don't change Dave Matthew's music though. Quite sacrilegious, if you ask me).

Left - Right: Jerral and Zal performing in the Commonwealth Club a few years back.

People I've tried to convert over the years. They can comment on how successful I've been if you ever get to meet them or if they come across this entry!): Zalila Lee, Fariq "Aminal" Halim, Fiona Jane, Patricia "Ah Pat" Yip, Yineemeenie, Izzy, Ee Von, Intan Bintang, Shelley Belly, Debbie Tang, Ayunami, Davina, "Ah Long" Wei Yein and Puya. Can't remember if Shuks has heard me play or sing, but she should be on that list too. Yes, I have friends with interesting nicknames, and note that Fariq is an AMINAL, not animal.
Feel you should be on the list? Hit me with a comment if you ever see this blog. Gimme a spankin' high comment count so I can compete in some popularity contest or something.

Occassionally (read: once a year, twice if I'm lucky) I get flattered by an unexpected "Hey! I saw you at [insert performance] the other day! Remember me? I was the one who [insert incident]!" to which I would respond with the never changing "Oh yeah! My God! I've not seen you since then! How've you been doing, man?"

If you ever catch me saying that (unless you're a personal friend) then I've probably forgotten you and that incident, but it usually comes back a couple of minutes into the conversation. *Sheepish Grin*

Anyways Dave Matthews himself heard how I've been covering his music and sends his personal support and endorsement below.

Jerral did WHAT to my songs?!

Ayu has complained that I don't mention her whenever I talk about my music. So here it goes - She loves my simplified renditions of miscellaneous Dave Matthews songs and also my version of Jamiroquai's "Black Crow." She's a gorgeous and smart lass and has a great taste in musicians ;) She enjoys a good laugh, is a fan of Russel Peters, has a great sarcastic wit and does not take lightly to being insulted during a game of Literati. Her current whereabouts are to be kept confidential, but several unverified reports have surfaced saying that she has been antagonizing sheep around the region where they shot 'Lord of the Rings' when she's not busy playing Literati. It's best to stay clear from Lamb Chops for a while. :P

Digressing from music, I'm half a chapter away from finishing Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. Might do a review on it if I feel like it over the weekend. Cheers, all!

Song of the Day 1 : Love Me Butch - Freefall. Yes, I'm feeling nostalgic.
Song of the Day 2 : Mono - Life in Mono.

I should mention at this point that Dave Matthews and his band remain a constant inspiration to the little musician who lives inside me. I apologize for any duplicity caused in his name and for using that picture of his, which kind of makes me wish I had a spankin' cool music video myself.

12 rambling visitors:


5:49 AM, October 13, 2005

omg. u are practically saying i suck but spelled differently. haha. but it's ok. i rock.


9:23 AM, October 13, 2005

welcome backo, jerral :)


11:34 AM, October 13, 2005

Ayu : How can you say that! It's all true except the sheep antagonizing bit and I'm sure everyone knows that :P You're one of the r0x0r girls I know! Otherwise dah lama tak layan wei.... :P

Cass: Heya hottest girl inna world! Happy Birthday! Weeee!


12:52 PM, October 13, 2005

ayu so does not suck *whacking jerral*

btw, I maintain that it wasn't you who converted me, it was gerard who passed me their album. And i was stark raving mad about it when we first met. Maybe that would explain some things... *grin*

pedophilia aside... cool pic!! for a brief moment i couldn't recall what you were like w/ your rock star hair. and yeah, just remembered, kim called. He wants his virginity back *evil laffter* =) i'll txt you him number k? ((hugs))


11:13 PM, October 13, 2005

Yinee: Ah dang... at least now I know Dave Matthews did something for my life after all :P Hahahahaha. Pedophilia... (singalong!)

"You were sixteen, going on seventeen,
I really took my care,
I was real fearful, canny and careful
Sixteen is legal and fair.

You were sixteen going on seventeen,
Beautiful as a rose,
Eager young lads, they walked in your footsteps,
I'm just glad that I drove.

Totally unprepared was I,
To face what I may find,
Timid and shy and scared were you,
Of things beyond your mind.

You need someone older and wiser,
Telling you what would you do,
I was ancient, going on fossilized,
I'll... take care... of you..."

Hahahaha Tell Kim I said "Wazzup, Satan!" when you next speak to him yeah?


PS: I did NOT say Ayu sucked! hahahahah


2:10 PM, October 14, 2005

hahaha... that endorsement was pretty whack.
you have yet to give me a demo of your jamiroquai covers amongst other songs. gimme a buzz soon, we'll meet up and talk biznezz.


1:36 AM, October 15, 2005

I'm going to see a Dave Matthews concert in December!!!!! I've already bought my tickets. Muahahahah.

Ok,.. another reason for you and Zal to not talk to me. hee hee.

I'm going to see Dave Matthews LIVE!! Wish I could bring you. Really. You were the one who converted me to Dave Matthewism after all. *smile*


4:43 AM, October 15, 2005

Disco-very: What sorta biznezz we talkin' about? ;) But yeah, we should catch up!

Suicidalpigeon: Ah damnit. I wanna go tooooooooo! Many of his Busted Stuff and Steve Lillywhite Sessions were really sad because of his divorce.

Among my personal listening favourites that I play are 'What would you say?' 'Ants Marching,' (I had to simplify ants marching like heck though) and 'Jimi Thing.' Trying to get into playing and singing Tripping Billies for ages but still can't get it.

Favourites that I don't / can't play are Rapunzel, Crush and Spoon. Sigh... if only he'd come to Malaysia :/

Shelley Belly: You're just jealous coz he ain't endorsin' you ain'tcha? Tell him I said "Hi!" :P

And yes, Zal and I will take turns kicking your ass when you're back here!


6:54 AM, October 15, 2005

I think that I should totally get some credit in converting you over to a DMB fan. If I remember correctly, I did lend you the CDs. I'm going to my third DMB concert next month.


7:05 AM, October 15, 2005

Damnit... everyone's going for DMB concerts... yupyup Karen must've loaned me her entire DMB collection (back then) throughout her time at HELP


3:28 PM, November 11, 2005

Yes En. Jerral has made me a fan of en. dave ..i vonder if ive convert you to any music.. i know puya doesnt have any musical effect on you


1:36 PM, November 12, 2005

Fariq : I'm much more appreciative of sebastian bach now :) And I got my first exposure to indonesian bands and incomprehensible mexican stuff from you. Puya's found some interesting bands over tha past few years... Lacuna Coil is one of them, but this band's kinda boring if you listen to the whole album. You find entire riffs and patterns that repeat. Interesting gothic stuff though.