... ESCW / Indie Youth Fest - Pt. 1 ...

The Malaysian leg of the Electronic Sports World Cup, which was held concurrently with the Indie Youth Fest was just concluded a couple of days ago after running for three days (4-6 July 2008) at the new wing of 1 Utama. I actually ended up in the wrong wing on the first day because the advertisements said "Main Entrance" of 1 Utama, and seeing that the old wing has been here almost a decade longer, I equated the entrance to that wing as the 'main entrance'.

I spent most of my time outside next to the performance stage where the Indie Youth Fest was held, which will become quite obvious after I'm done uploading the pictures. I'm also not too sure what happened inside with the ESWC finals, except that Paul Yan added yet another Warcraft III title to his name.

Back on the music side of things, I'm just going to put the pictures up - some bands I enjoyed, some I did not, so I'll just shut my mouth and not say anything about anyone. Bands that performed on the 5th and 6th of July (in chronological order, if I didn't muck it up) are as follows, though I wasn't able to take pictures of every band that went up, nor was I able to take an equal number of shots per band:

1. An Honest Mistake

2. Telephony Delivery

3. Superbar

4. Oh Chentaku

Band numbers 5 and 6 were 'Army of Three' and 'Lightcraft' respectively, but I had run off in search of food during those slots and was not able to catch them.

More pics coming soon!

1 rambling visitors:


3:17 PM, July 01, 2009

love music