... of Old Games and Of New ...

We'll let age take precedent in this post. Earlier today (4th June 2007) was the 20th Anniversary of the very first Leisure Suit Larry game. Written and designed by Al Lowe and published by Sierra, this game kicked off with horribly low levels of sale before quietly gaining momentum in within the computer games market. It eventually went on to win the award for Best Adventure/Fantasy Role-Playing Game of 1987 by the Software Publishers Association.

The cover art for Sierra's 1987 award winning title Leisure Suit Larry

If you hear names "Al Lowe" or "Sierra" associated with a game, it's usually a winner. This game, and its best selling sequels had both until Vivendi's acquisition of Sierra

Now, on to newer things.

Bethesda Softworks, who had bought the rights to the Fallout franchise from Interplay has promised a teaser for Fallout 3 today, so keep an eye on this website. I've been a huge fan of the series (okay, maybe I didn't enjoy Fallout Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel, but I loved the storyline, gameplay and humor in the original two Fallout games) and I'm hoping Fallout 3 will retain the essence and flavor of its prequels. Bethesda has the enviable job of working on the game, but also the unenviable standards of the game it has to live up to. I'm just worried that with that pressure to leave a good impression, they may try too hard to fix what wasn't broken in the first place, but to give them some credit, they've done nothing but magnificent work on their Elder Scrolls series, so that leaves me salivating over what they will come up with!

One of the teaser pictures (shrunk here of course) shown at Bethesda's website

3 rambling visitors:


5:03 PM, July 06, 2007

you missed out monkey island!!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!.... well it's not their anniversary.. but u could have talked about monkey island!!! :P


3:42 PM, July 07, 2007

Ey? Want a guitar? Take mine la. I won't be back till Nov. Wan? Let me know ya.

Leisure suit Larry rocks.


12:01 AM, July 09, 2007

Hey Splatters, Monkey Island post already in the works, along with Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango and Full Throttle. I guess you can see I'm a Sierra / Lucas Arts fan ;)

Wassup Shells, you know, I might take you up on that offer, and though I said the same thing last year, my guitar's kinda out of wonks now. Shall let you know ;)