Of Early Mornings: Nocturnal Tendencies Defeated

I can't believe it. I was supposed to meet Cass for a belated birthday dinner with her and I fell asleep. I, Jerral, fell asleep. In the evening, nonetheless! I'm so sorry babe! Will call you tomorrow and get an ear lashing. *cringe* I've also missed Nigel's farewell party. Who's Nigel, you ask? Read on.

I was supposed to meet her around 8.30pm and I fell asleep around 7.30. My phone's alarm has this auto 5 minute snooze thing if you don't acknowledge it after 30 seconds and I woke up to it at 4.30am. That's means I slept through 95 alarms and woke up on the 96th!

I slept in my work clothes and contact lens on, woke up with a weird sore throat (can't figure this one out), bad back and neck (I literally dropped on the bed and snored, I guess) and my right eye has had this smoky film for the past 45 minutes. Ever tried sleeping 8 hours with contact lens on? Your eyes attempts to do a Vulcan mind meld with it and ripping it off your eyes feels like you're tugging at your cornea.


What made me slumber on through the entire evening and made me wake up so darn early on a friggin' Saturday morning? It's not so bad if they were still airing Robotech on Saturday mornings but I'm digressing.

I started work in Permanis Sandilands Sdn Bhd as a Brand Executive yesterday morning. Permanis is the local bottler and marketer for Pepsi Co International. It's in Bangi, at the Southern borders of Selangor. I happen to reside towards the Northern side of Selangor and reaching work at 8am just means I wake up around 6.20am and leave before the 7am traffic begins. If I'm lucky I'd grab a bun from some petrol station along the way.

First day of work was pretty interesting. I found out which brands fell under my portfolio, met some of the research and advertising agencies we'll be working with and got paraded around the offices like a trophy. At least they were friendly :) They probably thought I was pretty unfriendly coz I was just sleepy the whole day, and why I try not to feel sleepy by concentrating on something, it just looks like I'm extremely stand off-ish. Kinda miss having Zal, Viji and Puya around. Really wished they were working in Permanis as well :P

Anyways the good news is that they're moving to Bukit Bintang within a month. Somehow I have a feeling I might have to get up even earlier to get into KL in the mornings, but hey, I've got options for lunch now. Can even hang around KL if I want to avoid the traffic, plus I'll be quite close to Cass and Yineemeanie and probably a whole lot of other friends that have slipped my mind at moment. I can see myself asking them for lunch, but have to avoid places where they sell Coke ;)

The people I've met here were great. I was kinda worried they'd be dry and boring, but these people are kinda wacky in their own ways, though the wackiest and friendliest was this guy called Nigel who has just left the company. Wish he was here a little bit longer, 'coz he seemed like someone really fun to work with and I think I would have learnt a few things from him. I'm sort of taking over part of the brands under his care, and I now have Lipton Ice Tea, Excel Isotonic and Gatorade in my portfolio.

Try asking me some questions about the company (not questions about work, that's slightly different) and I'll answer them according to my employee's handbook. :)

Once again, my apologies to Cass, and also to Nigel. Waking up 6.20am is not something I'm accustomed to. :(

1 rambling visitors:


1:44 PM, October 17, 2005


its okies babes... u can make it up to me another day... i remember the countless times i've slept through our appointment too so we are even hahah :)

great to hear u love ur new job. but i'll be moving to brickfields la!!! maybe u can take a monorail down and see me :)

btw u dont have to wake up too early to go to work in BB. the traffic's not THAT bad :)